Your Site Can't Say It All

Have I ever told you, that sometimes I like to visit a site or business that I'm interested in and ask them about what they do?

You see, I find it immensely interesting that 9 out of 10 businesses I inquire about, tell me to go to their website. And even if I persist to try and get some information from the live person acting as a directory, it seems that a lot of businesses and media managers don't seem to get it. It's not that I can't go to the website and get all the static information I want about the company.

I could easily check out everything through some simple online searches and know everything about them and what they do. But that isn't the point. The point is that I want to know about the people with the company or organization, just as much as I want to know about the company or org at hand. I want to figure out if the people involved are truly inspired by what they do, because that inspires me and gives me more insight into what I can expect when I do business with them.

philosophical thoughts...

Everyday it seems, people (especially those of importance) seemed to be measured by their Cyber Presence... What does that mean for evolution?

Will our future personal, professional and political livelihoods be measured only by how findable, interesting and popular we are online?

Good & Simple Marketing Tip #1: Make Profiles

If you want to build a strong web presence, one of the best things you can do, is to make profiles on as many net communities as you can. By just making a profile, you are encouraged to interact with people in new cyber-places and when you use your company or product name to do this, you start creating awareness for your cause. People will see that, and wonder who is really behind that profile, and what is so great about your cause and they will seek you out. The internet really is the curiosity that maimed the cat, and just seeing you out in the cyber world will turn people into curious little kitties.

So get out there! Become a member, make a profile, sign up for something, start a group. And by all means, do try to keep up with your adventures, as that is the next best way to build a huge cyber-presence: Staying Active.

Build Your SEO Skills With - SKTOOL

SKTOOL is a free online google application that allows you to do a background check on your keywords and keyphrases. It will show you how often people search for your terms, and then lets you know what level of competition you're facing for those keywords and keyphrases.

Sktool gives you an edge because it allows you to avoid the most competitive keywords, and to focus on search terms that are popular but not taken as often. This way, you have a better chance of ranking higher of search engine pages.

So... how do you use Sktool? It's fairly simple.

420 Football - Have You Checked it Out?

That's right, there are enthusiastic entrepreneurs out there right now, who are not only revolutionizing the way we toke, but also the way we play sports. One of my favorite innovators, and company 420 Reps soon hopes to be representing.

They have taken the game of football and found a way to truly improve every mmj patients quality of life. They have had a tough battle with both the law, and the NFL, but have come out on top in both situations and has brought the cannabis culture a whole new way to socialize and develop positive hobbies.