Your Site Can't Say It All

Have I ever told you, that sometimes I like to visit a site or business that I'm interested in and ask them about what they do?

You see, I find it immensely interesting that 9 out of 10 businesses I inquire about, tell me to go to their website. And even if I persist to try and get some information from the live person acting as a directory, it seems that a lot of businesses and media managers don't seem to get it. It's not that I can't go to the website and get all the static information I want about the company.

I could easily check out everything through some simple online searches and know everything about them and what they do. But that isn't the point. The point is that I want to know about the people with the company or organization, just as much as I want to know about the company or org at hand. I want to figure out if the people involved are truly inspired by what they do, because that inspires me and gives me more insight into what I can expect when I do business with them.

And I'm not the only potential client that wants to hear you tell me more, as I got the idea of asking these silly questions, from watching genuinely interested customers get told to "go to the website", and how quickly that turned them away.

I have news for those of you who assume that your website will do all and be all your customers need it to be, YOUR WEBSITE CAN'T SAY IT ALL. Your website is just a virtual business card. It gives basic static information, and sometimes a little more, but the true experience that your clients are looking for is REAL experiences with REAL people that work with your company.

So the next time someone get's onto your facebook fanpage, or comes to one of your profiles or sends you an email and they want to know more about the company, jump on that opportunity to build rapport with them. They are already knocking on your door, all you have to do is open it and let them in.

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